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Managing Safely

Every manager needs an understanding of their safety and health responsibilities.

Managing Safely is unlike any other safety and health course. Why, because it delivers practical step-by-step guidance with a sharp business focus that’s hands-on and jargon-free. The innovative format and content is engaging and inspiring; critical to embedding safety and health throughout your entire organisation.



1. Introduction
• Accident Testimony.
• Recap of the H&S policy.
• Health and Safety issues.
• H&S system Management system.
• H&S Competencies Middle Manager profile.
• Some definitions in Hygiene, Health and Safety.
• H&S legal requirements understanding.

M1 : Dealing with risks

• Objectives
• Hazards identification and Risks Assessment (HIRA).
• Risks assessment; what is an acceptable risk?
• How to assess a risk?
• An approach to risk Management.

M2: Building team commitment
• The lesson of commitment theory.
• The meeting to commit to LSR.
• HS Tool-box Talk.
• The safety briefing.
• New comers induction and training.


M3: Being Efficient on the field
• Presence on the field for safety.
• Why dressing the root causes?
• The safety visit.


M4: Learning from events (lessons learnt)
• Issues of REX.
• Work accident repercussions: REX com, success factors and brakes.
• The debriefing.
• Incident investigation, incident analysis, roots cause analysis using tree construction diagram.

Fair culture

General conclusion:

The business benefits:
• Greater productivity - fewer hours lost to sickness and accidents.
• Improved organisation-wide safety awareness culture and appreciation of safety
• Active staff involvement to improve the workplace.
• Internationally recognised certification for managers and supervisors.
• Enhanced reputation within the supply chain.


1. Etre conscient et assumer le rôle santé et sécurité  pour le management intermédiaire.
2. Comprendre les concepts clés : culture, leadership, comportement, engagement et être capable de les intégrer dans leurs pratiques.
3. Renforcer son leadership et ses pratiques pour améliorer durablement les résultats (et les comportements)
Santé et amp;amp; Sécurité.
4. Acquérir diverses pratiques managériales pour contrôler les risques et promouvoir des comportements sécuritaires.
5. Partager les expériences et développer la coopération entre les cadres intermédiaires (communauté) en santé et la sécurité.

Modern Architecture


ACF S&E - Industrial Risk Management

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